Mental Wellness

by | Jul 4, 2022 | Self-Care | 0 comments

Let’s face it. For most of us, the world is rapidly changing in ways we never expected. Every day (sometimes every hour) brings more alarming news. Stuck indoors with few answers and easy access to every negative, scary, controversial idea on the Internet, we’re all feeling more than a little overwhelmed. Life is going to slow down. The conveniences we once took for granted are being blocked or disintegrating before our eyes. Boredom will be common. Instead of fighting the changes, however uncomfortable they may be, let’s all try to remember what’s truly important: human lives. We’re not fighting for territory, wealth, or political ideologies. We’re all fighting an invisible enemy that doesn’t discriminate.

Mental Wellness Exercises

It’s important that we maintain our mental wellness so we can make good decisions and continue to look out for and support each other. Try these daily exercises for mental wellness.

1. Meet your needs

Give your body and mind what it needs to thrive each day. Maintain healthy sleep/wake cycles. Shower, wear clean clothes, and prepare nutritious food. Get some sunshine, even if it’s only by opening the window shades. Take a walk in your yard if you can.

2. Prioritize your wants

As modern conveniences become unavailable, take a realistic inventory of your desires. Plan alternatives should access to your favorite activities and past-times be curtailed.

3. Share your surplus

If you have more than you need, share it with others. Get creative. Maybe what you have aren’t material possessions or wealth. Maybe it’s knowledge, skill, or time.

4. Embrace the truth

It’s okay to filter the constant barrage. Decide early what information sources are credible and ignore the rest. Information overload is detrimental to us all. Unplug. Disconnect. Give yourself a daily allotment of online time and use it wisely.

5. Tune out of fear

If something you hear, see, or read is disturbing, turn it off. Block out anything that will cause you more distress than necessary. Truth is the remedy for fear.

6. Breathe

When we’re anxious, worried, or fearful we naturally hold our breath or take shallow breaths. This increases the stress on our bodies. Take several moments throughout the day to enjoy several slow, deep breaths. It will lower your heart rate, your blood pressure, and help you relax.

7. Laugh

Nothing breaks tension like laughter. Watch comedies, share jokes, and be silly.

8. Express gratitude

Count your blessings and acknowledge them openly. Try a gratitude journal or recruit some friends to share each day.

9. Show kindness

It’s always free and it’s contagious. Smile, say, “please” and “thank you,” and give grace to those having a bad day.

10. Connect

Social distancing does not mean total isolation. Pick up the phone, send a text, and connect with friends online.


If you’re struggling to successfully use these 10 exercises for mental wellness,
book a free consult with me and we’ll work together to customize a plan that works for you.

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